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Tag 'photos'

Seminar : Get Organized, Mom!

MOPS Logo - Mothers of Preschoolers Join me this Friday at Grace Christian Center in Georgetown, KY for an organizing presentation!

What: “Get Organized, Mom!” Seminar
When: Friday, April 25th @ 9:00am
Where: Grace Christian Center, Georgetown, KY
Cost: Free!

The seminar will include tips on how to get (and stay) organized with children through all the stages—infancy, toddlerhood, preschool years, and beyond.

I will share plenty of practical tips and ideas including:

  • managing schedules,
  • maintaining accurate records,
  • storing clothes, toys, and other children’s items,
  • travelling with children (from shopping trips to long vacations), and
  • cultivating your marriage and personal interests.

In addition, the MOPS moms have been asked to bring photos of the most cluttered (i.e., least organized) rooms of their homes. During the meeting, without knowing which photo belongs to which mom, each woman will vote on which room she believes should be deemed the “messiest.”

At the end of the organizing presentation, all votes cast will be tallied and the “messiest room” award winner will receive a 1-hour organizing gift certificate (a $40 value)! Plus, there will be plenty of free samples, door prizes, handouts, and ideas to take home!

I can hardly wait! Hope to see you there!

Michelle's Signature

Seminar : Get Organized, Mom!

MOPS Logo - Mothers of Preschoolers Woohoo! Thanks to a referral made by Candace Steyn, I have been invited to conduct an organizing presentation for the Northeast Christian Church MOPS group in Lexington, KY!

What: “Get Organized, Mom!” Seminar
When: Thursday, February 21st @ 9:00am
Where: Northeast Christian Church, Lexington, KY
Cost: Free!

The seminar will include tips on how to get (and stay) organized with children through all the stages—infancy, toddlerhood, preschool years, and beyond.

I will share plenty of practical tips and ideas including:

  • managing schedules,
  • maintaining accurate records,
  • storing clothes, toys, and other children’s items,
  • travelling with children (from shopping trips to long vacations), and
  • cultivating your marriage and personal interests.

In addition, the MOPS moms have been asked to bring photos of the most cluttered (i.e., least organized) rooms of their homes. During the meeting, without knowing which photo belongs to which mom, each woman will vote on which room she believes should be deemed the “messiest.”

At the end of the organizing presentation, all votes cast will be tallied and the “messiest room” award winner will receive a 1-hour organizing gift certificate (a $40 value)! Plus, there will be plenty of free samples, door prizes, handouts, and ideas to take home!

I can hardly wait! Hope to see you there!

BTW: If you join us at the MOPS meeting, please stick around after the presentation to chat with me. Plus, mention my blog for a special bonus!

Michelle's Signature

Photo Magnets : Recycled

Courtesy of ParentHacks.com:

Like most homeowners, real estate agents are flooding our house with magnetic calendars this time of the year with their picture and contact information on the magnet. As I was about to throw away a 2007 calendar magnet, I stopped and wondered what I would use to hold up the two pictures that were behind the magnet on the refrigerator—and it dawned on me—use the magnet! I cut the pictures to fit the magnet, taped them on the front, and put it back on the refrigerator!  Saved the magnet from a landfill and now the pictures are easy to see!

Michelle's Signature