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Tag 'new year'

Holiday Helps : Budget Forms

… and the silence shall be broken …

The blog has been rather quiet as of late while I’ve been collecting, organizing, and publishing some super sweet and totally free downloadable goodness for you! Hope you like ’em! Happy Holidays!

Thanks to the fabulous ladies over at Buttoned Up! (and their beautiful new forms!), you can easily put together a wallet-friendly gift-giving budget that’ll keep you smiling into the new year!

Holiday Gifts (1160 downloads)   Holiday Gift Budget (1238 downloads)   Holiday Budget (1279 downloads)

BTW : For those of you too impatient to wait for future posts, you can find the rest of these handy-dandy holiday tools on the downloads page in the resources section of this website.

Get Organized Month

In honor of the New Year, traditional New Year’s resolutions, and fresh new beginnings, the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) is sponsoring its fourth annual Get Organized MonthSM this January 2008.

Get Organized MonthSM is a national industry-wide event that is dedicated to raising awareness of the benefits of getting organized and of hiring a professional organizer.

January is the perfect month to get organized and start your new year off right. Getting organized is one of the top 5 New Year’s resolutions people make and with almost 4,000 NAPO members ready and available to assist, it is easier than most people think. NAPO members will help over 10,000 people get organized during this month-long event.

— Standolyn Roberston, NAPO President

Michelle's Signature

Giveaway : Neat Receipts


How cool would it be to win a NeatReceipts scanner just in time for Christmas? What a great way to get rid of some of your paper clutter in the new year! Weekly drawings will be held through the end of December, so you’ll have more than one chance to win!

Enter the holiday contest today!

Michelle's Signature