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Monday Mission : Menu Planning

Meal Planning

This week’s mission is to plan your meals.

Do you have leftovers that need to get used up? Anything that’s been in the freezer for a while? What’s in the fridge that’s close to its expiration date? Plan to use up these items with this week’s menu.

Take 10 minutes today to make a list of your meals for the week. Be sure to select your meals according to the activities that are scheduled each day. You certainly don’t want to plan a complex, preparation-intense meal on the day that you’ll get home from work at 5:30pm and need to be at your son’s baseball game at 6:00pm! Sandwiches, anyone?

Once you’ve completed your menu plan, highlight anything that needs to get pulled out of the freezer the night before. Then, post your schedule of meals on the fridge as a reminder. Hey, who knows… your teenage daughter might even get the meal started for you now that she knows what you’ve got planned! (Yes, I know… wishful thinking…)

In any case, you’ll be grateful that you spent 10 minutes at the start of the week to plan out your meals. Not only will you eliminate the stress that comes with planning a meal after a long, hard day, but you’ll save money by eliminating last-minute fast food excursions, and you’ll stay healthy by eating more well-rounded meals!

You know how it is… after a long tiring day, it’s tough to prepare a meal, let alone decide what to make. With a plan in place, the decisions will have already been made for you, and all you’ll need to do is prepare and enjoy!

So, do you already have a menu plan for this week? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your current menu plan.

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : ‘Twas the night before…

This week’s mission is to get everything ready for the next day before you go to bed for the night. Do this each and every evening (even if you’re crazy tired), and you’ll be amazed at how much more relaxed your mornings will be! You know how your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day…

Need some ideas of just what you can get ready the night before?

  • Re-stock the diaper bag.
  • Shut down your laptop and pack it up.
  • Gather items to return (i.e., library books, video rentals).
  • Load the car with “the big stuff” (i.e., stroller, hockey equipment).
  • Prepare the family’s sack lunches.
  • Check the weather forecast.
  • Choose outfits for yourself and the kids.
  • Set the table for breakfast.

So, what about you? What is your evening routine? How do you prepare for the next day? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your best tips for getting everything ready the night before.

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Laundry Duty

Laundry Duty

This week’s mission is to organize and simplify laundry duty in 5 simple steps: sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away.

  1. Sort: Keep your 3-bin laundry sorter (or multiple laundry hampers) wherever you change into your “jammies” at bedtime. Drop your dirty clothes into their respective bins—darks, whites, and colors.
  2. Wash: First thing in the morning, put a load of laundry into the washer—towels and/or sheets.
  3. Dry: After you’ve gone through your morning routine, and before you head out the door for the day, transfer the load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.
  4. Fold: When you arrive home in the late afternoon or early evening, unload the dryer. (You won’t have to fold this load…)
  5. Put Away: Hang up your clean towels in the bathroom, and put the clean sheets on your bed. Done!

Additional Tips:

  • For any laundry that you don’t want to leave sitting in the dryer all day long, set a timer when you load the washer. If you’re not certain how long your washer’s normal cycle lasts, start with 1 hour and adjust up or down as needed. When the timer goes off, put the clothes into the dryer, and add a new load to the washer. Reset the timer. When the timer goes off again, repeat the process.
  • Keep a trash can nearby so you can easily throw away anything collected by your dryer’s lint trap. When you unload the dryer, fold everything immediately! Instant Bonuses: You’ll reduce (if not eliminate) the wrinkles. You won’t have as much ironing to do. You’ll feel great because you just plain got the job done!
  • Little ones afoot? Get them involved! Get out a footstool so your child can reach to put dirty clothes into the washer. As you empty the washer, give your child one or two wet items to add to the dryer while you toss in a couple handfuls. Toddlers can also empty the dryer, match up socks, fold washcloths and towels, or even fold shirts and pants. Instant Bonuses: You’re spending quality time with your child. You’re teaching your child important life skills. You’re actually getting the laundry done!

So, what about you? What are your favorite laundry tips? How do you keep laundry duty organized? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your tried-and-true laundry strategies.

Michelle's Signature

Giveaway : Lily On the Fly

Menu Planning Kit : Lily on the Fly

On Tuesday, June 10th, The Organizing Junkie is giving away a “real neat” menu planning system: the Hearty Meals for Hungry Families Starter Kit created by Lily On the Fly!

So, don’t delay… enter the contest today!

Family need something new to try? Use Lily’s meal cards and Plan On the Fly. Keep your Lily Meal Planning deck in your purse or glove compartment so you are always ready to shop “on the fly.”

It’s so easy to know what to buy. Just turn the cards over and Shop On the Fly. When you have time to stop by the store, simply use the color-coded meal deck to select the main dishes, side dishes and treats you would like to prepare. You can easily choose recipes right in the store as you think through your plans for the next few days, and see what is on sale!

Slide the chosen recipes into the magnetic card holder, then turn the holder over and you’ll see that a completely organized shopping list has been created for you. Follow the color coding straight down, and you’ll see the ingredients are organized in one of seven general grocery store areas. You can easily gather all the ingredients—on the fly!

Need to cook in the blink of an eye? Keep your recipes handy and Cook On the Fly. Once you’re back home, place your magnetic card holder on the refrigerator. You can easily locate the recipes when you are ready to make ’em, and your family has an easy reference to see “What’s for dinner?”

After preparing a meal, remove the card from the holder and place it back with your deck. No recipes left in the holder? It’s time to go back and Plan On the Fly.

Michelle's Signature

Reader Plea : “Help! The piles are taking over!”

Currently, paper products are trying to devour my home; I have a problem throwing out and/or recycling paper. What do I do with all my husband’s CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes? What do I do with all my notebooks? My books? How do I store my enormous yarn stash? Material? Thread? These are the items I have little piles of all over the house!

Not to worry… You can definitely learn how to organize your paperwork, your husband’s CD, DVD, and VHS collections; your books and notebooks; and your yarn, material, and thread. Just follow these steps…

get prioritized.

What is bothering you the most? Your enormous yarn stash or your books? Jot down a list, in priority order, of what needs to be organized. Think small. For example, you should break down your husband’s “mess” into three different organizing tasks : [1] VHS, [2] CD, and [3] DVD.

get focused.

Now that you have all your ducks in a row, tackle the first item on your organizing priority list. In fact, pretend that you’re a squirrel (kids or grandkids could help with this one) and gather like items into a single area. So, if you decided that your enormous yarn collection was most bothersome, gather all of your yarn together in a plastic bin or a pile on the floor.

get real.

Time to make some tough decisions. Realistically, what do you need to keep and what can go?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I currently use it? If not, how long have I had it?
  • Do I really need it? What’s the worst that’d happen if I got rid of it?
  • Do I truly love it? Is it beautiful? Does it hold great sentimental value?

Remember : Anything that you decide to keep will cost you in space, time, or sanity. Make sure it’s worth it.

get neat.

Now that you’ve pared down your collection, find an appropriately-sized container in which to store the remaining items. This will define your limits. You may only keep what will comfortably fit into your chosen container.

So, if your husband comes home with a new DVD, only to discover that the DVD storage cabinet is completely full, he must get rid of an old DVD to make room for the new one. Or, he can return the new DVD if he really doesn’t want to part with any of the old ones.

As you can see, by limiting your stuff to a container, you have created an easy maintenance system that will ensure your control over your belongings and your space.

Finally, repeat this process for any area of your home that you need to organize, and you’ll soon find yourself reveling your new home oasis!

Michelle's Signature