An Astounding (and Alliterative!) “Adjective Aficianado” Announcement…
Woohoo! I am on fire tonight, baby!
Have you ever found yourself in a really good groove… or, better yet, a totally awesome groove… you know, the kind where time really does fly and when you finally take a potty break before the next bladder-busting cough comes along, you suddenly realize that it’s way past the kids’ bedtime, you haven’t checked for homework, and dinner never made it out of the freezer (let alone onto the table for a family meal)! Not to worry, though… the little ones aren’t starving… they’ve been helping themselves to all kinds of snacks while you’ve been engrossed in your work! *grin*
Well, I am totally on the verge of drowning for all the creative juices flowing out of my brain right now! Yay! Finally… Mommy brain turned off… Intelligent, eloquent, innovative, college-educated mass of mental prowess turned on! *wink*
I am simply giddy with excitement for all these new ideas floating around in my head (that have now, thank the heavens, found their way onto the page)! Phew! Debilitating self-loathing averted! *heavy sigh of relief*
So now the question is… What to share? How much to divulge? O, all the tillating goodness lurking ’round every bend…! Ah… But you must wait, my good friend… Let me have just one moment more to mold this marvelous mental music into a magnificent masterpiece before you peek inside…