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Tag 'travel'

Monday Mission : Cancel Car Chaos

Clean Car

This week’s mission is to clean out your car.

As busy as our lives can get, it’s tough to keep the inside of our cars clean, especially with kids in tow! So, grab a trash bag, find a basket, get some cleaning supplies, and head out to the garage… it’s time for you to cancel car chaos!

Now, where do you start? Well, right here…

  1. In your trash bag, collect any and all garbage from every nook and cranny of your car.
  2. Gather all items that belong elsewhere (i.e., in the house, in the garage, in the yard) and put them into your basket.
  3. Return all displaced items to their respective “homes” (i.e., stuffed animals to playroom, paperwork to home office, gas can to garage).
  4. Vacuum all carpeted and upholstered surfaces in your car.
  5. Wipe down all plastic and leather surfaces in your car.
  6. Don’t forget the windows… Clean those too!
  7. Wash (and dry, if you like) the exterior of your car.

That’s it! But… now comes the tough part… you must keep your car clean all week long! How? Aaaahhh… good question…

  1. Place your (now empty) basket on the passenger seat of your car. Use it to collect items that belong in the house (or elsewhere) every time you get out of the car.
  2. Keep a small garbage bag in your car for trash. Several options include the little bags made to hang from a knob on your car stereo, an auto organizer made specifically for this purpose, or simply a box or gift bag on the floor in the back seat. Of course, whenever your trash bag gets full, toss it and get a new bag. In fact, keep an empty paper towel roll in your car stuffed with plastic grocery bags to use as quick and easy trash bag replacements.
  3. Kids along for the ride? Store some wipes in the car for quick clean-ups after take-out meals, playdates at the park, etc. And, keep a small bucket of “travel toys” for entertaining little ones on long car rides. Finally, if you’re dealing with potty training, be sure to keep a small portable potty and toilet paper roll in your trunk… just in case…

So, what about you? How do you keep your car clean and organized? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your favorite tips for cleaning and organizing your car.

Michelle's Signature

Seminar : Get Organized, Mom!

MOPS Logo - Mothers of Preschoolers Join me this Friday at Grace Christian Center in Georgetown, KY for an organizing presentation!

What: “Get Organized, Mom!” Seminar
When: Friday, April 25th @ 9:00am
Where: Grace Christian Center, Georgetown, KY
Cost: Free!

The seminar will include tips on how to get (and stay) organized with children through all the stages—infancy, toddlerhood, preschool years, and beyond.

I will share plenty of practical tips and ideas including:

  • managing schedules,
  • maintaining accurate records,
  • storing clothes, toys, and other children’s items,
  • travelling with children (from shopping trips to long vacations), and
  • cultivating your marriage and personal interests.

In addition, the MOPS moms have been asked to bring photos of the most cluttered (i.e., least organized) rooms of their homes. During the meeting, without knowing which photo belongs to which mom, each woman will vote on which room she believes should be deemed the “messiest.”

At the end of the organizing presentation, all votes cast will be tallied and the “messiest room” award winner will receive a 1-hour organizing gift certificate (a $40 value)! Plus, there will be plenty of free samples, door prizes, handouts, and ideas to take home!

I can hardly wait! Hope to see you there!

Michelle's Signature

My Idols : Peter Walsh & Hellen Buttigieg

Peter Walsh & Me

Helen Buttegieg & Me

Meeting of the [ Online ] Minds

NAPO Bloggers

What an extraordinary informal gathering of NAPO’s bloggers, hosted by the well-renowned and highly rescpected John Trosko, Lori Marrero, and Monica Ricci!

It was so exciting to finally meet, in-person and face-to-face, all the professional organizers whose blogs are on my daily reading list!

Take a gander at the plethora of organizing blogs…






  • Joan Kosmachuk, Simple Effects


New Zealand





  • Marilyn Bohn, Marilyn Bohn Creative Organizer



Michelle's Signature

20th Annual NAPO Conference

NAPO Logo Today, I’m on my way to Reno for the 20th Annual NAPO Conference… so exciting! Tomorrow, I’ll spend my day in a training workshop in which I’ll learn more about the ins and outs of owning and operating a professional organizing business. Then Thursday, the conference will officially begin with an opening keynote address by none other than Peter Walsh! “I’m still geekin’ out about it!”
Training seminars, break-out sessions, product demonstrations, presentations, networking, hundreds of successful professional organizers… it’s sure to be overwhelming, yet exhilirating! In fact, I’ll get to schmooze and rub shoulders with some of the most renowned professional organizers in the industry!

By the time I return home, I’ll definitely have loads of new experiences and information to share with you!

Michelle's Signature