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Tag 'priorities'

What Does Your Big Picture Look Like?

The Bigger Picture
Photo Source: krossbow
  Along with any major transition in life comes a time of self-reflection and soul searching, especially when caught off-guard by unwanted or unplanned change. So, needless to say, with all the changes that have been going on in both my personal and professional lives over the last few years, my brain has been pretty darn busy! 😉

And, this month has been no exception. I’ve been back at it again… full force… trying to determine exactly what my big picture looks like. Particularly for my business. I’ve found myself so consumed by the precise details of the ‘how’ that I’ve really lost focus of the ‘why’ (as in why I’m ‘doing this’ in the first place)!

Indeed, I am a professional organizer. But, I am not here to help you ‘get organized’!

(Yes… you did read that correctly!)

I am here to transform the way you live. I am here to ask the tough questions. I am here to help you refocus on your big picture. I am here to challenge your thinking. I am here to help you make choices that are right for you. I am here to ensure that what you own does not own you. I am an agent of change… a catalyst of sorts…

So, let me ask that question again… What does your big picture look like?

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Mom : What’s My Job Description, Anyway?

Amanda Helping Wash Dishes

Unfortunately, it’s quite commonplace to begin to feel totally trapped in the day-to-day mind-numbing monotony that’s also known as motherhood. Nursing, changing diapers, warming bottles, bathing, doing laundry, picking up toys, making dinner, emptying the dishwasher, helping with homework, shopping for groceries, etc., etc., etc. But, it’s extremely important that we not lose sight of our true purpose… raising grounded, well-rounded, healthy children.

As important as it may be to complete your to-do list each day, it is absolutely imperative that you spend most of your time and energy on your children. They must be your primary focus. Goal number one. And, yes, this means that your laundry may pile up and you may be tripping over toys, but your children won’t remember whether or not they wore clean clothes every day… they will remember that you sat down on the floor with them and played cars.

That being said, you do need to find a way to maintain your household while you instill strong Christian values in your children, and here’s how…

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Wednesday Wisdom : Priorities

Once you have a clear picture of your priorities—that is values, goals, and high leverage activities—organize around them.

— Stephen Covey
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Wednesday Wisdom : Eliminate Nonessentials

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.

— Lin Yutang
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Monday Mission : Eat That Frog !!

Cell Phone

If you’re anything like me, you have at least one thing in life that you absolutely abhor doing. I personally dread making phone calls. The truth of the matter is, however, that these tasks still need to get done, whether we want to do them or not. So what’s the solution?

Well, world-renowned time management expert, Brian Tracy, has the answer:

” E A T   T H A T   F R O G ! “

By identifying, then tackling, your biggest, most unpleasant task first—the philosophy of “eating a frog”—you can learn to plan and organize each day, set priorities, get started right away, and complete jobs faster.

So, my challenge to you this week is to “Eat That Frog” first thing in the morning, before you work on anything else. Not only will you end up with an immeasurable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, but your mind will be freed of its burden, allowing you to focus your creative energies and make the rest of your day far more productive.

What tasks do you regularly put off as long as you can? Or, what strategies do you regularly employ that help you “Get Things Done”? Enlighten me!

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