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Tag 'children'

Free Printables : Easter Coloring Pages

Some fun coloring pages for your little ones…

Easter Coloring Pages Happy Easter
from Vale Design
Easter Bunny Coloring Page   Easter Egg Coloring Page Easter Bunny & Egg
from Tricia Rennea
Easter Egg Hunt Coloring Page   Easter Egg Hunt Coloring Page Easter Egg Hunt
from Family Fun
Chick & Eggs Easter Coloring Page Chick & Easter Eggs
from Tricia Rennea
Forest Maze Coloring Page Forest Maze
from Family Fun
Michelle's Signature

The Key Ingredient for Fixing What’s Broken = You !!

Ladies, why are we so broken? What consistently brings us to that all-consuming black hole of self-deprecation? How is it that we can so fervently profess the extraordinary value that lies within our closest female friends and, in the same breath, allow ourselves to be beaten utterly senseless—emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually—by everyone around us, including ourselves? How do we get to ‘that place’?

These are questions that have weighed heavily on my heart for as long as I can remember, and more recently, having publicly shared about my experience with postpartum depression, lost and then gained treasured friendships with like-minded moms of young children, unwillingly undergone increasingly challenging life changes, and watched countless episodes of ‘real’ reality shows like Hoarders, Intervention, and Snapped, my desire to find the answers has grown at an increasing rate, gaining a sense of urgency along the way.

Why do we find it such a challenge to love ourselves? And, how do we change our ways? What can we do to ensure that we treat ourselves with the love and respect we so richly deserve?

My Simple Solution: Think of my daughter. What kind of role model do I want to be for her? What beliefs do I want to instill in her about her own self-worth? My greatest desire as a mom is to teach my daughter how to be a strong, confident, self-sufficient, and kind-hearted woman. So, that is exactly the person that I must try to be.

Now, what about you? Who are you today? What lessons are you teaching those around you? Remember, you deserve nothing less than the respect and love that you would bestow upon your best friend in a heartbeat. In fact, this is the perfect moment for you to be your very own “perfectly imperfect” best friend.

How do you affirm your self-worth as a woman, a wife, a mother, and a friend? Are there times when you struggle to see your own value? What tactics do you employ to get yourself out of ‘that funk’? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Michelle's Signature

Are You “Perfectly Imperfect”?

It never fails… With little ones at home, our days quickly become a blur of chunky spit-up, toxic diapers, and never-ending sibling rivalry. Sure, “things will get easier” when the kids are older, but do they really? Every stage of development seems to bring its own challenges and frustrations to the table. Is it actually possible to “get things under control” and live a “normal, happy life”?

Well, I hate to break it to you, girlfriend, but you are already living a “normal life.” Motherhood is tough. You’ll second-guess yourself continuously. You’ll wonder whether you’ve made a mistake. You’ll believe that you’ve scarred your children for life. And you’ll be certain that the mom you see at the supermarket or the park or the library or wherever is doing a far better job than you… (never mind the fact that it is now 3 o’clock in the afternoon, she hasn’t showered since last Tuesday, and the only reason she’s finally out of the house is to get away from her over-critical-in-town-for-a-month-long-visit mother-in-law that was driving her crazy!)

It’s time to get real. Here’s the brutal honest truth…

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Michelle's Signature

Holiday Helps : Valentines for Kids

If you have young children in school, you’ll no doubt appreciate these last-minute printable freebies for their upcoming Valentine’s Day parties. Enjoy!

Note: I’ll be posting some ‘grown-up’ valentines on Friday for your printing pleasure…

Animal Valentines
from Secret Agent Josephine
Animal Valentines
from Secret Agent Josephine
Owl Valentines
from Living Locurto
Chocolate Wraps
from Scrapbook and Cards
Dino Valentines
from Cottage Industrialist
Butterfly Valentines
from Skip to my Lou
Lollipop Holders
from Kate.net
Lollipop Labels
from Scrapbook and Cards
Lollipop Valentines
from Tricia Rennea
Valentine Bookmarks
from Living Locurto
Michelle's Signature

Holiday Helps : Letters to Santa & Gift Tags


#1 | ultra adorable printable letters to Santa and gift wish lists


#2 | super cute and positively gorgeous gift tags


#3 | generous sources (from whence these goodies came)

Michelle's Signature