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Archive for May, 2010


Happy Mother’s Day !!

Mom and Amanda

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Mom : What’s My Job Description, Anyway?

Amanda Helping Wash Dishes

Unfortunately, it’s quite commonplace to begin to feel totally trapped in the day-to-day mind-numbing monotony that’s also known as motherhood. Nursing, changing diapers, warming bottles, bathing, doing laundry, picking up toys, making dinner, emptying the dishwasher, helping with homework, shopping for groceries, etc., etc., etc. But, it’s extremely important that we not lose sight of our true purpose… raising grounded, well-rounded, healthy children.

As important as it may be to complete your to-do list each day, it is absolutely imperative that you spend most of your time and energy on your children. They must be your primary focus. Goal number one. And, yes, this means that your laundry may pile up and you may be tripping over toys, but your children won’t remember whether or not they wore clean clothes every day… they will remember that you sat down on the floor with them and played cars.

That being said, you do need to find a way to maintain your household while you instill strong Christian values in your children, and here’s how…

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Wednesday Wisdom : Empowerment

If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?

— Rabbi Hillel
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From Ordinary to Extraordinary !!

I so love this post by fellow professional organizer, Megan Spears, founder of Disorder2Order!

Here’s a little taste…
Elephant Rockface
Photo Source: misstrixie

I like to think that there is good in the ordinary. If look at this picture for example… it’s just a rock on the beach, right? If you look a little closer you might see an elephant drinking from the ocean.

Seeing potential in things that are ordinary is one of the best parts of my job. I see things that others don’t (or can’t) in themselves or their cluttered spaces. The interesting thing is that when I started my business, I had no idea that was going to be so important.

When I started my business it was scary. Really, what did I know about running a business? Was I really going to be able to make money? How was I going to balance babies and a business?

There were moments in that first year that I truly thought I had lost my mind. Now, six years later I am so thankful for my decisions and the obstacles that I have overcome. Not only do I have the best job in the world but I make a difference, and that makes me feel good.

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